Bowing: Cafe Mars

Bowing is a duo with Martha Mooke on electric viola and Randolph Hudson on electric guitar. By using electronic effects and extended techniques, they create a sonic world of layered sounds and tonalities that’s as striking as it is beautiful. "Cafe Mars" is their latest recording.
Cafe Mars
Released: 7/15/2003
Label: No Label
All Bowing profiles…
Cafe Mars
Martha Mooke says the pieces on "Cafe Mars" all developed organically in the studio.
Free Form, But
Martha Mooke describes how she and Randolph Hudson use "looping and layering" to create their sound and musical environment.
Viola & Guitar
Martha Mooke says it’s almost impossible to tell what is played by guitar and viola.
Martha Mooke says this piece, a favorite, shows their approach and originality.
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